Wednesday, 8 April 2015

EMGOLDEX .. your path to possessing gold bars as an investment and a hedge against the falling FIAT currency

I am sure many of us have heard of EMGOLDEX... it seems almost everyone has , at one point or another, and everywhere, people either have been introduced to or have joined EMGOLDEX, being touted as a fast income earner and the opportunity to own gold in the form of 999.9 gold bars.

To be honest, I am a bit wary in the old fashioned way, about how EMGOLDEX operates and what it does to the expectations of members.

I will reveal what I know and what I personally feel about EMGOLDEX. Maybe this echoes what some of you may be thinking as well.

Firstly, always remind yourself that an investment in EMGOLDEX is an investment in an opportunity ... not in a registered entity or company ... no matter where you are in the world. EMGOLDEX is neither sanctioned nor endorsed by Bank Negara Malaysia. You do not represent EMGOLDEX in any way, nor do your upline recruiter/s.
The latest information about EMGOLDEX is that its offices are now in Switzerland and no longer in Dubai because its license in Dubai does not allow EMGOLDEX to sell gold to its citizens.
EMGOLDEX has no representation in your country (they are saying they will have some business centers in certain strategic locations to handle orders, may be more fortunate if EMGOLDEX opens one in your country). Now..this is where I feel the rub.
With all the gold scams and illegal gold investment schemes being exposed in one country after another, politically motivated or not, you will have to realise that when something negative happens to your investment in the EMGOLDEX opportunity, there will be nowhere and no one from whom or where you can get a legal redress and get back your money. Of course, you may be told otherwise by your recruiter (or he/she may personally guarantee your investment amount). BUT.. and it is a big BUT.. if something wrong happens and even your recruiter is burned, he/she may not even be able to recover his/her investment, much less guarantee yours. Now..this is not to say that there is anything wrong with EMGOLDEX. Maybe not yet..but we'll cross the bridge when we come to it..OK?

So.. without saying too much.. this is what you must know. EMGOLDEX is an online business selling gold bars. And the the minimum investment of 540 Euros is a downpayment to purchase and own gold bars to the tune of 7000 Euros.

I am not dwelling on the viability or legality of EMGOLDEX in this blog...more of letting you know of the realities of what you need to know in the matter of investing your money.

As most investments go, knowledge is the key. Get to learn more about EMGOLDEX, ask questions of your recruiter. And remember this: All investments carry risks to some degree. So.. don't enter into EMGOLDEX with dollar signs in your eyes .. don't borrow to make the investment, and only invest in EMGOLDEX, when and if you have extra money you won't need to put food on the table, or pay the rent. In other words, make sure the 540 Euros you invest won't break you. And in order to make EMGOLDEX work for you, you also need to find at least 2 other people who share the same interest and have the 540 Euros on hand to invest, in order for you to make money. The 540 Euros is essentially a downpayment towards owning gold bars worth 7000 Euros, so it is money you do not intend to take back.
And obviously, when you get the gold bars, you can resell it back to the company based on spot prices, or take delivery of the physical gold bars or get your gold stored in a registered secure vault based in Germany. If ever you choose to convert your gold stock into cash, EMGOLDEX arranges for a MasterCard from FirstSwissCarto allow you to withdraw the cash from your local ATM or use the card to make purchases worldwide. The choice is yours. The card image appears below as proof:

There are a few videos I want you to access to know more about EMGOLDEX..
I hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions or wish to make some money while having the opportunity to own some gold bars for yourself and loved ones, feel free to contact me at (David Boey). I can arrange a spot for you anywhere in the world provided you have adequate proof of residence via a government issued ID or Passport and some utility bill or bank statement copies.

NOTE: Even though some videos were made with certain countries in mind, the presentation contained therein is suitable for and applies to all countries in general
